This picture had become all too familiar up until yesterday that is.... |
...finally after countless water baths, wet towel treatments, pill battles (Annie does not do pills period, end of discussion) several injections (not havin' needles either)...not drinking, eating little, hopping around on three legs...as I say finally yesterday she put foot down (for the most part), drank some and ate pretty good...Hooray! |
Ten long pain filled (for Annie), fretful, frustrating, fearful (for us) days since a rattler nailed her in the foot. Up until yesterday the hoped for, though highly unlikely, quick healing process seemed to us negligible at best and two three days ago seemed to take several steps backward--dead in the water actually.
Gale and me already stressed by a string of events that included constant worry, no sleep, unanswered questions, vet visits which by then had become almost a daily occurrence; to say nothing of shattered nerves which led to ridiculous shouting matches--admittedly foolish and certainly doing nothing for Annie's equally stressed out condition--well, as I say two, three days ago we had all just about had IT...
Then yesterday morning, the threat looming of a whole day in the vet's office administering intravenous fluids due to Annie's baffling refusal to drink or for that matter eat much of anything...suddenly a breakthrough she ate pretty good, drank some and wonder of wonders actually walked on all four feet...
Actually the swelling has all but disappeared from her lower leg and foot and except for up under in the groin area the only redness is where some "superficial dead skin" has sloughed off..."Looks pretty good according to vet" which as you might imagine sounds pretty sweet at this point...So there you have it, perhaps not quite out the woods yet but damn close...With any luck at all the next update will include a shot similar to this one...