...kaput. I know, I know said that awhile ago but...A couple of days ago I did the last trips on the books and since it is already way beyond my usual Labor Day shut down...as someone once noted NO MAS!!! Or put another way I have netted my last trout for the season unless of course tis one of Gale's or mine...Nuff said on that, eh?
Summer also officially comes to a close on Friday and while I know won't last the past few days have really felt like fall. Fact is the past two mornings we had hard frosts, hard enough to effectively kill off most of Gale's vegetables and even most of her flowers. I hadn't planned on mowing the yard anymore this fall but thanks anyway. Tomorrow we are planning a short R&D camping trip into the Pioneers and if all goes well with Kate (she had trouble adjusting to camper life down on the Madison over Labor Day) we will head east to kick start the real bird hunting in a week or so.
First stop will be somewhere in the Sweet Grass Hills where word on the streets indicate the prairie birds might have weathered last winter a bit better than further east..hopefully we shall soon see.
Wilson's phalarope, one of many shorebird species found in Montana |
We also need to ramp up production efforts for our upcoming book "Birding Trails Montana" of which the first installment is due end of November...Yikes! Seeing as I've hardly made a dent so far now there is a really scary thought...But we should be able to knock out a bunch of included sites in between bird hunts so maybe just maybe will be able to get enough done to at least satisfy contractual obligations...sort of anyway.
Baneberry is just one of many, many fruits and wildflowers flourished from all that moisture this spring...should make for some fat, tasty bird dishes this fall, eh? |