...In a series of short videos (15 in all), hunter and activist (our side), Randy Newberg, calmly shoots down every argument the greedy wing-nuts are spouting as they attempt to steal our public lands, turn them over to the various states who will (there is no doubt) then sell-off big chunks to the highest bidder forever shutting down free public access. No matter how you use our public lands--hunt, fish, camp, hike, photograph, bird, watch wildlife, hell, just kick back and enjoy the scenery. Should such as calamity ever come to pass we can flat out kiss it goodbye--unless of course you have deep enough pockets to pay the new fiddlers...Trust me folks these videos are well-worth the few minutes each takes to view and better yet provide all the ammo you need to throttle these bastards...
For more check out: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLdxutimd-JsEtFEIVd4kfFhn3EMTBRuC