Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fly Fishing: The Lunatic Fringe

You are no doubt wondering  just what the hell a hen pheasant has to do with the following rant...

...and the answer is absolutely nothing...just a tired old fly fishing guide trying to rid his mind of the lunacy (childishness would be another way of putting it) of the past several days. In the guide/sport world strained relationships are of course not uncommon, hardly earth shattering news actually part of the price of doing business. And yes I do know the illwill flies both ways, tis what makes the world round.

But this time around it was them got under my normally thick hide. Them as in four 30-something school teachers, supposed adults holding down responsible jobs, acting it seemed to me way more child-like than most kids do half their age. It got to the point yesterday after three long days of constant "YAHOOS!" "How many did you catch?" "I got 6 and you only GOT one!" "Hey dude look at this ONE (even a whitefish in the net brought ear-shattering YAHOOS, raised the yell-level several notches). Such foolishness I found myself yesterday afternoon seriously contemplating putting the two current yahoos in my boat out on the bank and rowing merrily down the river...like peace and quiet AT last... OK, as I say maybe tis just me but you really had to be there to fully grasp the lunacy...Really...Sorry just had to get this one off my chest...

Despite all I did manage to tune out at times, add to the season highlight reel...two bullwinkles, several eagles, a nice whitetail buck, one the heaviest sally hatches of the season, a curious badger, a big elk herd, fields of colorful wildflowers, a guide way older than your reporter...Imagine! Singing bullock's orioles...Hell now that I think about it maybe twasn't all that bad after all...over and out...

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