Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Poking About Beaverhead County the Past Couple Days...

...yielded a few keeper photos. An all day tour out Blacktail, over the Clover Divide, on to Lakeview (Red Rock Lakes NWR headquarters) and then out to the highway at Monida provided us a pretty impressive bird list (for us, admittedly no expert birders by a long shot). All told we checked-off 40 for sure species while giving it our best shot to ID many others (mostly small sparrow-like birds) that just would not hold still long enough...oh well, good practice anyways...  High on Taylor Mountain we spotted two goats making their way across the shear cliffs...always a highlight for us even though no way to get even a lousy photo...

Grizz claw marks on this aspen tree in Bean Crick (noted hangout)...no, not smokin' but plenty fresh enough to get our attention...
Pair mule deer bucks gamboling about the Matador haystacks got the tour off to a fine start....

An-tee-lopes, this bunch all does and fawns, are almost cliche in the Blacktails...
...As are mule deer, especially does with fat, healthy fawns in tow...
...Sort of sad to see the once sagging roof of this old landmark barn at Monida finally give up the ghost...But as the man often noted..."to all things there must be a beginning and an end"...like ashes to ashes, dust to dust...or somethin' like that, eh?

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