Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Fly Fishing: Big Hole, Big Bugs, Big Trout...

Salmon Fly Time on the Big Hole has arrived; shucks are everywhere and nymphs both golden (above) and the real deal litter the shallows. And while not many mama stones (we saw maybe six salmon adults and just a couple adult goldens) are yet buzzing about, yesterday we found the trout looking up litterally right from the get go. The topwater bite continued pretty much unabated all day though the last hour or so it did slow down quite a bit. For a time in early afternoon dropping a rubber-legs off a big stone dry worked even better. While we did miss a lot as the two photos below show we did haul a couple worthy photo candidates.

Ray got this big male second cast...or was it third? No matter a dandy start to a dandy day....

Gale got this pretty rainbow not long after...though in the interest of honest journalism she did manage to miss a few before finally getting up to speed...sorry dear, you know how hubby hates to lie...

She also doesn't pose big fish, or little ones for that matter, must be Gale thing? Anyway I just had to let you folks see one pretty brown did not get away...Way to go, Gale...Next week or so should be gangbusters so drop whatever the hell and drag your butts, the 3Bs align but onct a year ya know and the TIME IS NOW...don't miss it, ya hear...

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